Thursday, 24 February 2011

Could Virgin Media help?

An interesting comment made by someone on the forums who sent a letter to Virgin Media:
A guy from virgin media called me back the next day he said if they had any correspondence regarding Tivo and series 1 they had been speciffically advised to forward them to a dedicated vm team, and if we had enough people requiring another option to cable they would consider us and look to giving us a way forward.
The thread is here. Whilst this simply may be corporate lip service I think it is best to investigate as many avenues as possible, so lets get writing to VM too. However, there is no mention of an email address and a search on the Virgin Media site bears no fruit. The only way to contact them seems to be through the complaint form for existing customers. You can get to it here. You can put 0 (zero) for the customer account number, the billing date and value fields do not seem to care what value you put in them as long as they are valid values (i.e. any date). I think we need to explore this avenue, however unlikley it may be to get anything done. So, using the form letter below for the details section (taken from Sailsey's post on the forum), get sending!! (and remember, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, be nice!)
Dear Virgin Media 
I have had a wonderful experience with Tivo and BskyB lifetime subscription for a UK series 1 Tivo.  
I have been advised the service is being taken over by your company and was initially pleased that you seemed to be embracing a better way of watching TV, rather than stifling the marketing of this product, but the outcome seems to have been a sad end for me. 
Where I live Virgin Medias cable service is unavailable. Would you please consider reviewing offering the service via some other source method?
There is a massive Tivo audience that have been given notice to be cut off from the update service. Please reconsider offering dial up programme listing to existing Tivo customers, until you have a viable alternative for all the UK.
Thanks for your time. 
[Your name here] 
[Your contact email/phone here]
Loyal TiVo User
If you can, drop a comment so we know roughly how many have been sent.

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