Monday, 14 March 2011

A little birdy tells me ....

A little birdy has passed on some information relating to TiVo and the UK. This person has a 'contact' (Mums friends workmates daughters liftshare's uncle or something) within TiVo and has usually been able to get interesting information.

Basically speaking, its probably not a lot more than already suspected, just confirmation that the exclusive deal with Virgin means there is absolutely no chance of any TiVo official developments in the future unless it's through VM. TiVo cited their decision to abandon the original service was partly due to other forces, not necessarily VM but they didn't elaborate on any further details. The person in question also noted that although previously they had been trusted with some quite privy information, things were very 'cagey' this time around, and he didn't really get told anything more. He also mentioned the following interesting point he found on a tech news site:

Last year TiVo lost $84.5 million and also ran up a deficit of $779.2 million, so the company is trying everything they can to stay afloat'.

so who knows, perhaps the VM customers may find themselves in a similar position before too long ....

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